Who can file a complaint with the Ethics Commission?
Anyone can file a complaint with the Ethics Commission regarding ethical conduct in any of the three branches of State government. The Ethics Commission can also accept complaints regarding the State’s campaign finance law set forth in 17 V.S.A. Chapter 61, as well as complaints against certain municipal officers that allege violations of the statewide Municipal Code of Ethics.
How do I file a complaint?
- State complaints: Open and save the fillable Complaint Form to your computer.
- Municipal complaints: Open and save the fillable Municipal Complaint Form to your computer.
- Email the completed signed form (either as a saved pdf or scanned document) to ethicscommission@vermont.gov, or
- If you wish to submit your complaint by regular mail, please email or call us first at (802) 828-7187
What can I expect after my complaint is filed?
The Ethics Commission will review the complaint and reach out to you with any additional questions. If the complaint meets the criteria for referral, the Ethics Commission will refer it to the relevant entity for further review and investigation. In the case of municipal complaints, the municipality is the relevant investigating entity. Once a complaint is referred, future contact regarding the complaint will come directly from the investigating agency.
What is Guidance and who may request it?
State of Vermont public servants and municipal officers subject to the statewide Municipal Code of Ethics may request ethics Guidance from the Executive Director as it relates to that person’s duties. Guidance is non-binding and confidential unless the recipient chooses to disclose it. 3 V.S.A. §1225(a).
How do I request Guidance?
To request Guidance or an Advisory Opinion, call us at (802) 828-7187 or email us at ethicscommission@vermont.gov.
What is an Advisory Opinion and who may request one?
State of Vermont public servants and municipal officers subject to the statewide Code of Ethics may request an Advisory Opinion regarding any issue related to governmental ethics and their own ongoing or prospective conduct.
The Ethics Commission will also consider requests for an Advisory Opinion from an authorized representative (i.e., General Counsel, Executive Officer, Board/Commission Chair) of a state entity (i.e. agency, board, commission) regarding an ongoing or prospective ethics issue under consideration by the entity.
At this time, the Ethics Commission cannot consider requests from anyone who is not a State of Vermont public servant or a municipal officer subject to the statewide Municipal Code of Ethics. T
How do I request an Advisory Opinion?
To request an Advisory Opinion, complete the Advisory Opinion request form and return it to us at ethicscommission@vermont.gov.
Where can I find Advisory Opinions issued by the Ethics Commission?
At such time as Advisory Opinions become available, they will be posted here.